International Corporate Executive Protection Limited - Protecting Executives and Multinational Corporations in Southeast Asia


Many factors have determined our successful performance in executive protection in Asia, and of these there are three that are important to merit special attention. These are:

    Experience. Since 1991 we have provided executive protection in Asia. Working in such places as Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam. What these places have in common is that they are all so-called "high-risk" venues. Our experience and careful planning in determining potential danger areas and dealing with them beforehand, has made all the difference. This is one of our basic tenets and tactics which plays an instrumental role in our impeccable client safety record.

    Service Oriented. We are a service oriented executive protection firm. Great focus is placed on preserving our clients image, reputation and professional standing in the International Community, amidst the excitement and fast-paced Asian environment.

    Location. International Corporate Executive Protection Limited maintains offices both in the Philippine capital of Manila and the city of Kowloon, Hong Kong. We are uniquely capable of providing client support very rapidly anywhere in Asia. Able to provide highly proficient and qualified staff who are completely focused on the client's paramount concerns and the job at hand.

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